
Chair’s welcome
OPENING KEYNOTE – The Three Es of Inclusion: How to make the classroom work for every child

- Understand the importance of equal access to all pupils including those with SEND
- Appreciate the need to do more for those with less, no matter what barriers they face
- Acknowledge the need to target and fund access to extra-curricular activities and education visits for those who need it most to extend their lived experience

Education Author and Advisor
Bromley Education, Yorkshire
Refreshments and exhibition viewing

Your chance to network and visit leading exhibitors in the sector

Breakout Session 1 (CHOOSE 1A, 1B or 1C)

1A: Exploring the Intersectionality between race and SEND: a call to action

- How disparities in SEND diagnosis and school exclusion highlight the need to ensure educational equity
- How systemic bias contributes to under-diagnosis of SEND in ethnic minority students, and the steps required to eliminate these
- How inclusive practices such as tailored support and fostering culturally inclusive environments are vital to supporting pupils

Former special school headteacher, now a SEND adviser
1B: Cognitive Load and the ‘Challenge Equation’

- What is the 'challenge equation'?
- How can we adjust activities to best balance demand and resources?
- How can we use this for pupils with SEND?

Director of Inclusion and Support
Southend High School for Boys
1C: Supporting successful transitions between settings

- What are the key features of a successful transition
- Why are transitions a cause of anxiety for some groups of pupils
- What are the key issues to consider for transition into secondary school

SEND and safeguarding trainer and consultant

Breakout Session 2 (CHOOSE 2A, 2B or 2C)

2A: Partnership working in safeguarding, and promoting better outcomes for SEND children

- Ensuring the SENCO, DSL, pastoral care team, and attendance improvement team work well together
- Working with external agencies; social care, local authority SEND and voluntary sectors
- Threshold of social care interventions and family support

Independent Safeguarding consultant
2B: Building belonging as part of school culture

- Using student voice to craft a sustainable approach to inclusion
- Why a sense of belonging is important when motivating learners
- Making the most of key events in the school calendar

assistant headteacher
Sir Henry Floyd Grammar School
2C: Creating an inclusive culture through whole-school CPD

- Setting a positive culture for learning-focused leadership
- The power of staff professional learning
- Creating a dynamic learning community

Head Learning Leader
Highlands Primary School and Uphall Primary School
Lunch and exhibition viewing

Your chance to network and visit leading exhibitors in the sector

AFTERNOON KEYNOTE - Enabling autistic girls to thrive in school

- Understand the school experience from an autistic point of view
- Make simple, impactful adaptations to your everyday practice and environment
- Support autistic girls' self-esteem, self-care and strength-seeking

Keynote speaker in SEND and mental health
with Lyra Hesmondhalgh (age 13)

Breakout Session 3 (CHOOSE 3A, 3B or 3C)

3A: Addressing Unconscious Bias - racism, sexism and LGBTQ+ phobia

- How do we identify our own biases, and deconstruct them?
- How can we recognise discriminatory policies and practices?
- The uncomfortable process of becoming truly inclusive

Motivational Wellbeing Speaker
3B: A regional approach to inclusion

- An approach to building Teams Around the Child to support those most in need
- Creating innovative and pupil-centred ways to support vulnerable pupils and share best practice
- Developing self-efficacy in pupils with SEND

Director of Inclusion
The Kemnal Academies Trust
Director of SEND and EAL
The Kemnal Academies Trust
3C: They're not my children: how SENCOs can share responsibility for SEND with colleagues

- Taking care to ensure messaging about SEND comes from a teaching and learning source
- How to persuade colleagues to fulfil the role outlined in the code of practice that 'every teacher is a teacher of SEND'
- Designing CPD that is relevant to the children and their needs

Independent consultant
Refreshments and exhibition viewing

Your chance to network and visit leading exhibitors in the sector

Breakout Session 4 (CHOOSE 4A, 4B or 4C)

4A: Distinguishing between EAL and SEN

- Understand the distinction between the needs of an EAL and SEND pupil
- Learn how to gather evidence to support initial concerns and observations, and make informed judgments in expected pupil progress and learning
- Learn more about the guidance and resources from The Bell Foundation

head of training and resources
The Bell Foundation
4B: How to build a successful SEND department from scratch

- How to smarten your SEN structure
- The importance of smart SEN communication
- Matching your provision to meet current needs

Audenshaw School, Manchester
4C: Rethinking behaviour systems in schools

- How to replace a traditional behaviour system to improve pupil outcomes and wellbeing
- Understand how the school challenges policy to improve outcomes for all
- Learn how staff engage challenging families and hard-to-reach children

Meadow View Farm School
Director of Education.
Meadow View Farm School.
End of conference

Click here to access descriptive details about the content and core themes of each session.